Thursday, June 18, 2015

DeFranco Times June 2015

DeFranco Times

Living Proactively
Happy beautiful Seattle Summer!  Thanks to all who stopped by on our Customer Appreciation Day - we had free shredding and a place to get rid of old household items along with hotdogs and chips.  It was so wonderful, we have scheduled the next time for June 11th, 2016. Thanks to Junk BGone for providing their services for taking away our junk. 

Your business and friendship is appreciated, so please let us know how we can help you with your insurance issues.

 like us on Facebook - DeFranco Insurance
Happy 4th of July
Staying Safe and Sane

July Events - Seattle

Where to shoot off fireworks

Boating Safety Tips 
We live in this wonderful area surrounded by water, we want to keep you and your family safe, while enjoying boating.

Tips to stay safe - boating

Night Out” a national Crime Prevention event. Helps crime prevention awareness, and unite our communities. Click 'Your Night Out' to learn more.

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