Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Happy Spring Break from DeFranco Insurance

After making it through midterms and the bleakest months of winter, spring break is more than enough reason for high school and college students to celebrate. But many spring break "traditions" in the U.S. have a dark side, and can sometimes result in life-changing consequences or even death.
Whether you're going on a family vacation, staying close to home for some R & R, or heading to the city or the beach with friends, here are some tips for having a safe, restful and healthy spring break.

Get a reality check: If TV and popular culture have you convinced that spring break is nothing more than an excuse for an extended party, it may be wise to revise your perceptions. Most people do not drink excessively or enjoy getting completely out-of-control. Make your spring break about more than just having a wild time: plan activities, sleep in, and take time to develop real bonds and lasting memories with your friends and family.

Watch your intake: Binge drinking is increasingly becoming a serious issue, and spring breakers of all ages often take this dangerous activity to a whole new level. Each year thousands of young people experience negative, often serious, consequences during spring break; and those who drink excessively not only harm themselves, but also put everyone else at risk. Remember, having a good time shouldn't mean putting yourself or others in harm's way. If you suspect you may have a problem with alcohol or drugs, go to to find resources and help. Finally, know the signs of alcohol poisoning (irregular or slow breathing, unconsciousness, confusion and vomiting) and if you suspect alcohol poisoning, get help.

Stay safe: A lot can go wrong when you're partying in an unknown city with people you don't know. Whether you or your friends are planning to drink, travel, or just go out on the town, take necessary precautions to stay safe avoid serious consequences. Minimize your risk by sticking with friends, making a plan and staying in frequent contact. Make an effort to keep your friends in view, especially if you're socializing with strangers. Don't accept a drink from somebody you don't know, or if you are unsure of where it came from. Leave valuables and important items at home or in your hotel and keep your wallet or purse secure.

Be prepared: If you're going somewhere tropical or out-of-the-country, make sure to get all the required vaccines and take health precautions if necessary. Check the weather and current events so you know what to expect. If you take medications, make arrangements to have enough with you while you are away. Before you go, make sure your emergency contacts are up to date, and take the time to consider what steps you will take if you are in an emergency situation.
Follow these guidelines and make your spring break an unforgettable adventure, for all the right reasons.

For any insurance questions, call or contact DeFranco Insurance today.

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